Mods wanted!
"Less talking, more raiding!"
Welcome to c/mountandblade, a Lemmy community for discussing all things related to TaleWorlds' Mount & Blade franchise!
Official Site | Bannerlord Steam Page
1. Be respectful
Treat fellow community members with respect and courtesy. Avoid personal attacks, hate speech, or any form of harassment. Foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for players of all backgrounds.
2. Stay on topic
Keep discussions focused on Mount & Blade and related topics. Avoid unrelated discussions or content that does not contribute to the understanding or enjoyment of the game.
3. No personal attacks
Do not engage in personal attacks against other players or developers. Avoid "witch-hunting" by singling out individuals or groups with malicious intent. Instead, focus on constructive discussions and provide helpful feedback.
4. No spam or self-promotion
Avoid excessive self-promotion, including advertising personal websites, social media accounts, or unrelated content without prior approval from the moderators. Low-quality or repetitive posts may be removed to maintain the quality of the community.
5. No piracy or unauthorized sharing
Do not share or request pirated copies of the game or any other unauthorized content. Respect the intellectual property rights of the developers and promote legal ways to access and enjoy Mount & Blade.
6. Cite sources and provide context
When sharing news, updates, or information related to Mount & Blade, cite the original source and provide context whenever possible. This helps maintain credibility and ensures accurate information is shared within the community.
6. Cite sources and provide context
When sharing news, updates, or information related to Mount & Blade, cite the original source and provide context whenever possible. This helps maintain credibility and ensures accurate information is shared within the community.view the rest of the comments
Ok cool, that makes the explanation shorter, since it's a lot easier in Bannerlord. Warband was a lot less forgiving when it came to going independent.
Honestly, if this is your first time doing so, I recommend just following the campaign. It's got a nifty little story that helps tie everything together and gradually helps you acclimate to the games mechanics. You also get a pretty awesome companion when you rescue your brother. That dude alone is enough reason to start games in campaign mode. Once you assemble the dragon banner, you'll get the option to create your own kingdom and already have some allies.
I also recommend this guide that helped me when I first started a few years ago. It might be a bit out of date compared to current versions, but I can't tell you about the meta for the latest version since I haven't played in like a year.
Just remember, it's a game. The point is to have fun playing!
Now go get that butter!