AMD promises “mainstream” 4K gaming with next-gen GPUs as current-gen GPU sales tank
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I have a discounted 7900 XT on its way and am desperate to know if it would be better to return it and wait for the 9070 XT. Three guys will offer me four opinions on that, unfortunately.
No way to know until we get pricing info and independent benchmarks for the 9070 XT.
In theory, it would make sense to return it and wait for the 9070 XT, but we can't know for sure.
I have a 30-day return window, so maybe we have some benchmarks, independent or at least from AMD themselves by the end of February. The 20 GB on the old cards are nice and water coolers are readily available. The question is, how will the 9070 XT perform and will it be reasonably priced?
I mean, no one really knows at this point. The fact that they were apparently postponed it is not a good sign, but it might just be a change in pricing