
joined 2 years ago
[–] UnfortunateShort 3 points 12 hours ago

Ich will ehrlich sein, mit diesem Pfosten wollte ich mich auch nicht nur über amtierende Früchtchen lustig machen, sondern auch mein Unbehagen teilen. Die berühmt-berüchtigte Gesamtsituation war wohl selten so unzufriedenstellend bzw. besorgniserregend. Zumindest in den letzten paar Jahrzehnten.

Wir leben wirklich in einer der beschissensten Zeitlinien

[–] UnfortunateShort 7 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Not necessarily right now, but once you connect the dots.

Since the last election, things basically went from "who needs a military anyway?" being a not that uncommon stance to a huge fucking war next door, hybrid attacks and a noticeable uptick in espionage. And today we were reminded that it's actually happening - our most important ally is now led by a maniac.

[–] UnfortunateShort 5 points 12 hours ago (3 children)

Schere, wie die Jugend von heute sagen würde.

[–] UnfortunateShort 3 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

Zen and "mainline" (default/vanilla) are generally fine for "desktop use" and gaming. Zen is basically the mainline kernel with some tweaks. They are mostly concerned with latency, reducing the maximum time a process can spend blocking the processor - among other things.

This can lead to less input lag or a "smoother" desktop experience, but overall performance is as good as mainline at most. Slightly worse in some scenarios.

Hardned is a tradeoff afaik. You will stay behind mainline a bit, but get extra hardening. This can also impact performance, but rarely does in a meaningful way. If you don't have any specific reason to use it, e.g. you carry it around on a laptop with sensitive data, I would look at other ways to harden my system first (firewall, encryption, access control, anti-virus, sandboxing, VPN...).

Pretty much the same goes for LTS, but with the focus more on stability than security.

RT is only for special applications.

[–] UnfortunateShort 8 points 2 days ago (3 children)

It is totally fine to be politically moderate. I'd go as far as to go full mathematics professor and claim without proof™ that centrists being tolerant of intolerance and extremism is a thing mostly made up by extremists to discredit them.

I can only speak for Europe, but pretty much every center party you will find here actively opposes such things. They don't go around and beat up nazis on the streets, yes, but that's not the kind of opposition I'd expect from a political party to begin with. If you wanna do that, that's fine by me. The thing is, I have a strong feeling that particularly far-left splinter groups tend to conclude that "centrists bad" or even "centrists basically nazis" because they don't agree with them or their methods.

That said, if you ever want to have any say, your only choices are compromise and violence. It is a huge problem that broad alliances are very hard to achieve among far-left, moderate-left and center parties. At least for people who wish to have a left or left-leaning government. Why do we hardly ever get one? Well, I'd say usually the moderate parties are there, ready to pick up the crown, while the left is fighting over which one to safe first and the most once they claim it. And all that is preventing the far-right from claiming power (if anything at all these days) are the center parties some people want to hate so desperately

I would sort myself into the social-liberal drawer. Moderate left. I think reasoning with nazis, tankies, religious fanatics etc. is a waste of time. I also think you're best off creating an environment where as few people as possible become either. And I think the main ways to achieve this are welfare, education and psychological support. The thing is, I want to make this happen at almost any cost and not just demand it for the next 50 years.

[–] UnfortunateShort 1 points 3 days ago

I'm surprised that women told them it was for the military and even more surprised they still accepted. They had to be either desperate or Russian propaganda is also verfy effective outside of Russia.

[–] UnfortunateShort 31 points 3 days ago

Learn to code and you get significantly more mad when stuff is badly implemented and much less mad about weird edge cases

[–] UnfortunateShort 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Tell me you don't read news by telling me you don't read news

[–] UnfortunateShort 17 points 4 days ago (1 children)

In the US maybe, in the EU? Only if you want to get sued and then forced to re-hire them.

[–] UnfortunateShort 6 points 4 days ago

You know there is Matrix, right?

[–] UnfortunateShort 8 points 5 days ago (1 children)

It helps a lot when people think you are insane enough to declare war against your country and occupy it to get what you want

[–] UnfortunateShort 14 points 5 days ago (7 children)

Ingl, I think the only way to stay sane these times is to ignore what they say and look at what they do. As long as his products are up to my standards and values, I'll just ignore whatever he says to appease whomever

ich🐱iel (www.ndr.de)

Endlich mal fickend qualitative Nachrichten.

Zwei Katzen haben in Bremerhaven einen Einsatz der Polizei und Feuerwehr ausgelöst. Wie die Beamten mitteilten, alarmierten Anwohner eines Mehrfamilienhauses in der Nacht zu Mittwoch die Einsatzkräfte, weil laute Geräusche aus der Nachbarwohnung sie um den Schlaf brachten. Vor Ort öffnete den Angaben zufolge niemand die Tür, so dass die Feuerwehr sie aufbrechen musste. In der Wohnung fanden die Polizisten aber keine Menschen - sondern zwei Katzen, die es offenbar geschafft hatten, den Staubsauger einzuschalten. Die Beamten schalteten den Staubsauger aus und "ermahnten die beiden Vierbeiner mündlich, sich für den Rest der Nacht ruhig zu verhalten", so die Polizei weiter.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by UnfortunateShort to c/[email protected]

Hey, so I have brand new HDDs I intend to put in a btrfs software RAID. They're Seagate ST4000VX016-3CV104 4TB Skyhawks. Workload is basically write and forget, I will probably never delete a thing.

However I decided to test them first and noticed that after writing about 160 GB, some SMART counters have gone up significantly. Read error rate went from 6.632 to 90.238.872 for example (seemingly all correct by hardware ECC), seek error rate from 143 to 87.661.

Am I reading things correctly? This does not seem like the way healthy drives should behave, does it? It similar on all of them tho. Are they just trash-tier drives they somehow got to work with ECC?

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