this post was submitted on 30 Jan 2025
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With Disney+’s Daredevil: Born Again bringing back Charlie Cox and his Netflix co-stars for a new series—following Cox’s Matt Murdock reprise on She-Hulk: Attorney at Law—the question’s come back around again. In an interview with ScreenRant, Marvel Television’s Brad Winderbaum was asked about the canon status of two of the ABC series: SHIELD and Agent Carter.

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

Uhhhh… they are canon?

Everything is easy to explain.

Steve went back after the events of Agent Carter S2. She kept his return a secret, even from him as she died. He lived under an assumed name.

Inhumans are still around, we just haven’t heard from them in a while.

As soon as they started any timey-wimey stuff in Agents of SHIELD they were in an alternate timeline and returned in the end.

As for Mack-led SHIELD, they’re laying low as they rebuild. Fury is with SWORD now. We can catch up with anyone else as we need to.