this post was submitted on 24 Jan 2025
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Laptops were offline devices that only synced with any computer when put on a phone cable.
The good old days of screaming through the house not to pick the phone up, dialing in, downloading emails and usenet messages, cutting the connection and screaming the all clear through the house.
And everything was "federated". You sent email to a local email server and it synced with other email servers. You connected to your chosen Usenet server and it synced with other Usenet servers. Same with IRC for chat. Very few things were centralised.
Ah the chaos of netsplits, trivia bots and XDDC. Good fun.
The boss already had wifi. But it was a large external antenna and the speeds were terrible.
Whoa, that sounds interesting!
(I should have clarified that I meant like the first laptops, at the dawn of computer intraconnectivity)
Yep, I had a B wireless setup in 1999. Poor performance, but I wasn't tethered!