this post was submitted on 18 Jan 2025
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It's moreso the trust factor for me. Proton is secure, I know; but the company behind it has been making many bad decisions lately.
They were extremely unprofessional dealing with this. I mean, who comments their own political views on a company account then doubles down??? That's just stupid to me.
I should have specified that I might not even switch off of proton, I'd like to know alternatives JIC shit hits the fan :(
Same. After the whole AI fiasco and the crypto fiasco, this is just adding insult to injury.
Oh shit, what did I miss?
The security vulnerability behind any decent VPN is the VPN provider. When they're signalling support of fascists and technocrats you need to move on because their mask slipped and their real motives have been exposed. The sheer gall it takes to pretend you can believe Trump supports privacy goals is laughable.
The question is really who is an actual alternative.
None, really.
All companies have skeletons in their closets, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. I don't trust companies, but not everyone can self-host. As for your question; Mullvad seems good, but be wary.
Agree, always good to be prepared