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LowSodiumDestiny for a salt-free Destiny community
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You get more balls if you spread out. If you struggle to solo a spawn, that's he problem.
Max is 30 this year. Assuming you have at least 20 silver leaves and max ignitions you’ll net 20 ash per piece of solstice gear equipped. So if you have all 5 on you’ll get 100 silver ash. You can just equip all 5 pieces once the final boss spawns in, you don’t have to have them equipped.
Sticking together is generally the best strategy, especially playing with randoms. Once you get the throws down there’s only two spots where you can’t throw the ignition charges from where they drop (the alleys to the left and right of where the boss spawns) so when I’m playing with my friends we’ll sometimes split up a bit and I’ll clear an area by myself when I know I can throw all 3 in myself before rejoining them
You can get all 3 as long as the wave spawns around the central area. Aim slightly above the bonfire and it should track to it when you throw.