I've maintained a fairly prolific habit of "adapting" the color palettes of Cultured Code's Things 3 (light and dark) for the various software in which I spend most of my time.
I was excited to have another opportunity to do so, recently, for my favorite Lemmy client!
Edit: Light version finally added! Sorry for the delay.
(The theme files below should be openable directly in Arctic, cross-platform.)
- Dark Theme File Download URL
- Light Theme File Download Shortlink -
"accent": {
"errorColor": "#FF3370",
"accentColor": "#67ACFF",
"successColor": "#4CBF60",
"warningColor": "#FFD400"
"id": "F374ECA7-27A8-43F3-AA9C-E2929E456E9C",
"name": "Things Dark",
"background": {
"groupedBackgroundColor": "#1D2229",
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"secondaryContainerColor": "#31596F4D",
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"blockColor": "#FC375E",
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"subscribeColor": "#4CBF69C9"
- Light Theme File Download Link
- Light Theme File Download Shortlink -
"name": "Things Light",
"id": "AFA2343E-D9A2-4AE2-B439-BB18789761DF",
"actions": {
"favoriteColor": "#FFD600EC",
"shareColor": "#FFD600EC",
"upvoteColor": "#0665B5CA",
"subscribeColor": "#3AA89BE4",
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"collapseColor": "#94979897",
"saveColor": "#BF54B1DD",
"replyColor": "#4CBF62E9",
"crosspostColor": "#3FBFB6E0"
"accent": {
"errorColor": "#FF3370",
"warningColor": "#FFD400",
"successColor": "#4CBF60",
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So glad to hear it! Don't worry about attribution in my case, though - consider these CC0. I just took screenshots and used a color picker tool on them hehe. (I might be insane - you'd think I'd remember the hex values by now - but I do it every time I set out to make another adaptation.)
This is just the incentive I needed to finally focus on the light version... Will shoot for replying here with it before the end of the week. :)