I've maintained a fairly prolific habit of "adapting" the color palettes of Cultured Code's Things 3 (light and dark) for the various software in which I spend most of my time.
I was excited to have another opportunity to do so, recently, for my favorite Lemmy client!
Edit: Light version finally added! Sorry for the delay.
(The theme files below should be openable directly in Arctic, cross-platform.)
- Dark Theme File Download URL
- Light Theme File Download Shortlink -
"accent": {
"errorColor": "#FF3370",
"accentColor": "#67ACFF",
"successColor": "#4CBF60",
"warningColor": "#FFD400"
"id": "F374ECA7-27A8-43F3-AA9C-E2929E456E9C",
"name": "Things Dark",
"background": {
"groupedBackgroundColor": "#1D2229",
"foregroundColor": "#1D2229",
"primaryContainerColor": "#252A31",
"backgroundColor": "#171C22",
"secondaryContainerColor": "#31596F4D",
"groupedForegroundColor": "#2E333A"
"text": {
"tertiaryLabel": "#87919F",
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"linkLabel": "#67ACFF",
"primaryLabel": "#FFFFFF",
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"favoriteColor": "#FFD400CA",
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"collapseColor": "#67ACFF96",
"editColor": "#5CA5FF",
"saveColor": "#4CBF60",
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"downvoteColor": "#D1C58B",
"shareColor": "#4DB1A7",
"replyColor": "#5CA5FF",
"blockColor": "#FC375E",
"upvoteColor": "#1BADF8",
"subscribeColor": "#4CBF69C9"
- Light Theme File Download Link
- Light Theme File Download Shortlink -
"name": "Things Light",
"id": "AFA2343E-D9A2-4AE2-B439-BB18789761DF",
"actions": {
"favoriteColor": "#FFD600EC",
"shareColor": "#FFD600EC",
"upvoteColor": "#0665B5CA",
"subscribeColor": "#3AA89BE4",
"editColor": "#FB4475E2",
"blockColor": "#FB444FE7",
"downvoteColor": "#CCBF7DE5",
"markReadColor": "#BDE2D3E7",
"collapseColor": "#94979897",
"saveColor": "#BF54B1DD",
"replyColor": "#4CBF62E9",
"crosspostColor": "#3FBFB6E0"
"accent": {
"errorColor": "#FF3370",
"warningColor": "#FFD400",
"successColor": "#4CBF60",
"accentColor": "#1BAFF6F5"
"text": {
"primaryLabel": "#15181A",
"secondaryLabel": "#9399A3FA",
"placeholderLabel": "#979DA5D7",
"linkLabel": "#0069CD",
"tertiaryLabel": "#C1C4C7DC"
"background": {
"groupedBackgroundColor": "#F3F6F7",
"groupedForegroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"secondaryContainerColor": "#E1E4E9B1",
"foregroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
"backgroundColor": "#F3F6F7",
"primaryContainerColor": "#EBEDF0CB"
This looks fantastic! I’d love to include this as a default theme option when you complete the light mode variant. However, I’ll need to make a few UI updates to include credit.
I had an idea to add a section to the theme definition file that allows linking a Lemmy profile for credit and possibly a brief description.
I haven’t had the chance to build the theme browser for hosting user themes yet. I’m honestly not sure if there’s much demand for it.
So glad to hear it! Don't worry about attribution in my case, though - consider these CC0. I just took screenshots and used a color picker tool on them hehe. (I might be insane - you'd think I'd remember the hex values by now - but I do it every time I set out to make another adaptation.)
This is just the incentive I needed to finally focus on the light version... Will shoot for replying here with it before the end of the week. :)