I have an Old Lenovo ThinkPad laptop.
I am looking to use a Samsun 850 Evo 2.5" SSD in the system to run Linux and practice my programming skills. I see an opportunity for great career growth, and I need a system I can practice on.
After removing the back panel, it appears there are two M2 SSD slots and one 2.5" SSD/HDD slot.
The M2 slots look like there are connections available. While the 2.5" slot is blocked off where I'd expect the connection to be availible. How can I connect the 2.5" SSD to the laptop?
Additional information:
The left most slot is the original OS boot slot. The fixture in the slot appears to be a heat sink. The 2 unsued slots have a spot for a ribbon cable, maybe?
I was looking up how to connect. I see there is a cable that is required. I have ordered it.
For refrence if anyone else has an issue like me. https://www.ebay.com/itm/296024619796?chn=ps&amdata=enc%3A1KqAehV8GTyKSqT1brSfK-g10&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=296024619796&targetid=2299003535955&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=9027222&poi=&campaignid=21214315381&mkgroupid=161363866036&rlsatarget=pla-2299003535955&abcId=9407526&merchantid=767752053&gad_source=1
hey, here's a cleaner link ๐