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I would also like to point out that just like the current Israeli administration, Hamas was democratically elected. So enough people agreed with their policies to put them in that position. Again, I actually know a few Palestinians, they're good people, but I also understand that it's pretty difficult for someone who has lost people close to them to to differentiate between the Palestinians who killed their sister because she was a Jew and the ones who didn't. Again I'm not supporting genocide here.
They were "elected" before most of the population in Gaza was even born.
The current genocidal Israeli leadership was also democratically elected, and very recently at that, and their approval rating has only increased. What does that say about the majority of Israelis? Why do they deserve your sympathy if the Palestinians don't because of who they voted for?
Care to clarify this BTW?
Damn, you say this and yet you can't even recognise that Gazans are human enough to have this also apply to then. Except it's not "a family member or friend" it's their entire family, and all their friends, and their home, and the city they lived in.
Fuck you, genocide supporting cunt.
And this is what genocide support looks like in the polite company.
Israel is an abomination jfc
I am fine with Palestinians using any means necessary to dislodge the colonizers from their land.
Israel has no rights under international law as such their citizens are fair targets.
Israelis deserve no pity or sympathy the same way Germans did not deserve any after what their regime did in Europe.
All of your blatant genocide support is what leads me to know that you support genocide. And guess what, during the Holocaust, you would also have been saying "it's a conflict with too much history, I don't support either side."
Nahh mate only Jews got killed during world war 2 so it was clearly wrong!
Failing to support either side of a struggle supports the dominant side, which is undeniably genocidal Israel.