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Oh, so you have no sympathy for those IDF soldiers then?
So all the times the IDF shot at surrendering and/or fleeing Palestinians was okay in your eyes?
Also all the killing of journalists.
Yeah, because you deliberately wiped out Gaza healthcare infrastructure to stop the accurate counting of the dead: that's why you're using a number that's been basically frozen for almost a year despite it being obviously bullshit, and attempts to estimate the actual death count put it at a quarter million six months ago.
You've got more fucking tears for two fucking IDF soldiers than the entire population of Gaza.
Yes, you do.
So, like I said
You justify extermination of Gaza for orders of magnitude less.
Sure, you don't justify anything, you just cry endlessly about how evil Hamas is and how unforgivable their killing of two IDF soldiers, all the while you consistently defend and downplay the genocide Israel is committing, to the point of outright genocide denial, as well as throwing out nonsense non-sequiturs to defend them (like how the killing of two IDF soldiers in no way counters the fact that Palestinians tried everything). Hell, just look at the difference in language you use: "the toppling of Hamas" vs "the removal of the Netanyahu administration".
It's very obvious what you're doing, genocide supporter.
There it is, the lazy bleating of "Jew hater" at anyone who opposes Isreal's genocide.
a beautiful melt down dear!