This is some of what we must do to reform our dysfunctional healthcare system | Bernie Sanders
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Sanders decided to throw his weight behind Biden relection, helping shut down criticism of the choice at a time when it was needed. That was not the right decision - including at the time not just in retrospect.
While I have a lot of respect for him, the party needs a new generation of leaders to step up. He's 83 - and I don't mean it's time for the 65 year olds to step up. Its time the 30 and 40 something year olds step forward.
Sanders did that because he knew there wasn't going to be a real primary. There never is when there's a presidential incumbent. And I agree that we need the Millennials now. But we all know a Millennial won't be given a chance until the last Boomer has had their chance; even if they have terminal throat cancer.