PSA: If you currently log into the game via Steam on GeForceNow all settings reset to default.
Elite Dangerous related community. Tips and Tricks about the game.
1.) No NSFW content 2.) Don't fly without rebuy
Damn. Is this some bug from a recent update?
I think it first happened on Wednesday for me. So I'd guess it's GFN or steam or some API thingy causing this. It wasn't after an update of the game, sure it wasn't Thursday
The other thing is also, that the epic version won't immediately be online on Thursdays after a game update, so you can't play until someone from GFN and/or epic does the update manually. It was a Thursday when I bought the steam version because of that. (It was 10€ for ED+oddy on black Friday, so I'm fine with paying 10€ for the space legs).
I really hope they get this fixed, if it wasn't GFN wanting to get rid of us, I'd guess ED players spend relatively long times on their service compared to other games. Now that's just my fear, not an allegation..