I would like to backup the booted SDcard of my Raspberry pi.
I don't necessary need to backup as a hot backup[^1]
So I can remove the SDcard and make the backup on another machine.
with dd
$ fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 29.72 GiB .....
/dev/sda1 ...
/dev/sda1 ...
So I first tried:
$ dd bs=4M if=/dev/sda conv=fsync status=progress | gzip > /path/path/foobar.gz
But this create a huge .gz file ! because it backup the unused space too
If you know a ~simple command to just backup the used space I'm all ears.
with rpi-clone
I've discovered rpi-clone
Seem really great, too bad the github tab discussion has been not activated :/
and If the documentation is not clear enough, no way to ask the community.
EDIT: Actually it seem that it clone a SD to a full dest drive ! so not as destination file correct ??
in the README you can read:
rpi-clone-setup is for setting the hostname in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts files.
It is run automatically by rpi-clone if -s args are given, but before your first clone using a -s option, test run rpi-clone-setup with:
rpi-clone-setup -t testhostname
So what is the purpose of the -s
argument ? If you want to set another hostname into the destination backup ? why can we set fews ? Can we have few hostname for a same machine ???
and the -t
argument is not even documented (if I'm not mistaken ..)
- Did you ever tried
- what's your 2cent about it ?
- does
rpi-clone sda
promt you to confirm the destination ?
- do know some thing else ?
- is it possible to output the backup as a file ?
[^1]:Backup that can be taken while the system is running.
Put the sdcard in a Linux box with a GUI
Step one: shrink the image size use gparted, re-size the main partition to as small as possible
Step two: run fdisk to find out the last used sector. Command:
sudo fdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0
Step three: get the 'end' sector from the last partition and enter it into the dd command below as 'count'. Run the dd command with a stop at the last used sector and correct bytes per sector set:
sudo dd bs=512 count=12281855 if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/home/pi/Azle.iso status=progress