I recently moved and plan to buy a bunch of cheap apple plants from a big store and get them rooted this year. Then next spring take all the choice varieties from my father/childhood and graft them into the plants for my kids :)
My father enjoys grafting plants, he has an apple tree with 15 types of apples on it. Come to find out he's been snipping tiny branches off apple trees at Home Depot....
My mother in law tells me how worried she is for my daughter and how unfair it is trans kids will compete with her in sports and use her bathrooms. Thanks for the heads up, keep hiding in your house in the woods and leave the parenting to me, this doesn't affect you now shut up.
+1 on this idea, going to toss in my recommendation for an AMD 5600g second hand. Its basically a laptop CPU with built in GPU that handles my jellyfin transcoding without issue and has a super low idle power rating if you pair it with a quality, small PSU.
60k miles on my Subaru CVT and I beat the absolute shit out of it. I've towed at least 10 cords of wood with it and regularly pull a 12’ enclosured trailer with it. I'm constantly pushing its limits and thus far its managed fine.
Do a barrel roll!
I didn't down vote you but honestly interested in an adult conversation regarding your stance. If all I use is MS365 and I can use it in a web app with full 2FA how am I a security risk? I can access all the same things on my personal laptop, nothing is blocked, so how is Linux different?
Makes me want to shoot my s&w 627 v-comp...
I am a landlord, I'm sure I'll catch hell but whatever. I bought a dumpster of a house in a popular metro area and proceeded to pump $300k of my own money as well as doing half the repairs myself because I'm physically and mentally able. I also do all the maintenance on the property and I'm on a first name basis with the tenants. They call me for anything they need. Not everyone has the means to operate like this, but I don't suspect anyone in this thread will listen to those realities. I now own a house that is worth a decent amount more than my total investment so I rent it way below market rate because I have two awsome tenants living in symbiosis and I don't want them to leave (selfishly, because its more work for me). But I guess according to this thread I'm a leach. I'm tired of reading these childish black and white arguments, the world is inherently grey, nothing is simple and easy to boil down but everyone sure likes to try and make a simple agreement.
Transporting heavy, wet beans in a can with a diesel truck to your store probably makes the dried beans a better choice.
I read that entire article, thank you. Explains a bit why the company I work for seems really hesitant to hire more software engineers.