
joined 2 years ago
[–] czardestructo 21 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Dude looks in his 60s but likely those are his kids and he had a rough first 40 years...

[–] czardestructo 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I rent two apartments in a state where all of that is not possible. Evictions take months and if repairs are not made quickly the tenant is legally entitled to withhold rent. But while on the topic I am most certainly on the hook for inflationary swings in:

  • any and all repairs
  • gas and electric
  • insurance
  • property taxes
  • landscaping and snow removal

There is no free lunch, no one side is correct. Stop pretending this topic is black and white. There are some good landlords, many bad. Same goes for tenants.

[–] czardestructo 3 points 1 week ago

Shit I thought I was so damn novel. Blast you.

[–] czardestructo 0 points 1 week ago (10 children)

Don't try to talk sense into the senseless.

[–] czardestructo 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I've owned and deployed a lot of pi, every model, and in my experience when I have similar instability as you described its related to the sdcard. Either the sdcard itself or the tray soldered to the pi. I had one pi that would corrupt the sdcard without fail after 2 months and I played with bending the sdcard metal tray inward a little to help press the card better into the contacts and the problem went away. Try fiddling with the sdcard holder or different sdcards.

[–] czardestructo 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Yea I'm putting a value on my distain but you seem to be misunderstanding the math. If they sell the truck for $80k it likely costs them $60k++ to make. If I buy it for $40k I'm taking $20k away from their coffers. This is all totally made up numbers, I dont work there and know their bottom line. But at the end of the day, at some point SOMEONE is going to give them some amount for the truck. I would sleep fine knowing I took money from the company rather than added to it.

[–] czardestructo 0 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

It's a fair point but you realize that's not rational right? The truck, though stupid, has some monetary value. If the price gets low enough people who loathe Musk will still buy it. I'm in that camp. I realize that's not a popular stance in the pitchfork crowd but I'm a practical hater.

[–] czardestructo -5 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

I'd buy one for $40k if it was brand new and I knew I robbed Tesla substantially below their margin mark. If I was taking money from Tesla count me in.

[–] czardestructo 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

As an electrical engineer I would advise you to recycle it. How much did you save buying no brand vs how much is the equipment you connected to it worth? How long would it take you to rebuild the connected equipment if the UPS threw out too much voltage and blew up everything downstream.? In my opinion the risk isn't worth the savings, don't cheap out on power equipment.

[–] czardestructo 4 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (3 children)

What is the make and model? Since it uses a full size transformer instead of switch mode supplies I'm going to guess its old and should be retired. Its old and inefficient, always consuming power to keep that large set of magnetics energized.

[–] czardestructo 7 points 3 weeks ago

You won't miss him. You'll miss the idea of who he was

This hits hard with some personal relationships I lost during COVID because they were anti vaccination. Couldn't be bothered to care how their decisions affect others, that was 'their problem'.

[–] czardestructo 7 points 4 weeks ago

That was going to be my comment. I stack wood like a heathen, I make a mess. This young boy stacks like a pro.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by czardestructo to c/whatisthisthing
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by czardestructo to c/[email protected]

So I'm cleaning out a house and found a brand new Gateway2k Pentium 4 computer. Someone opened the boxes but never took the computer out, its all still in the plastic and I don't want to ruin the unboxing for someone that is into this. The computer is free to a good home in the Boston metro area to make your retro gaming dreams come true! Shoot me a message, first come, first served.

P4 Computer - Gateway 2000 model 510 - part number 2800434

17" TFT Monitor - Gateway FPD1730

Speakers - Boston Acoustics BA745

Edit: Found a taker, hopefully it goes to it's forever home on Saturday!

Edit edit: its gone!


Started the peppers in March and tomatoes in April. They were getting too big for my grow light so I evicted them outside. Plenty warm in the cold frame in Massachusetts.


So I had a verbal conversation with a coworker yesterday and now I'm getting fed very specific ads. No possible way it's accidental. I have most of the microphone access to apps limited, I have Google assistant turned off and no VPA setup in my home. I use a Oneplus 9 pro, does anyone have recommendations on how to further root cause this or just par for the course for using any standard android OS? Have other folks had similar experience after locking down their stock phones?


Action Video

For her birthday my daughter received a cuckoo clock. It had very limited programming for 'quiet hours' so I fiddled with it and ended up breaking it. I didn't want to disappoint her so I gutted it and proceeded to install a Pi Zero W and a headphone amplifier I had built. She now has a fully programmable, USB powered, linux based cuckoo clock where I can program it to whatever suites our needs and it syncs it's time with NTP severs. I even connected her night light to it which turns on at night and off to let her know when its time to get out of bed. This combination also allows us to have dance parties with flashing lights, a dancing bird and fun songs coming out of her cuckoo clock. It's ridiculous and eccentric but it makes us happy!


  • The Pi Zero's dont come with a sound output so I built an audio output filter to convert the PWM output to an analog audio output
  • Connected the analog out to a OPA1642 based headphone amplifier I designed and built
  • Wired up the cuckoo bird's coil actuator to a simple MOSFET drive circuit to control it from the Pi's weak GPIO output
  • Wired up some 5V string lights (used to be battery powered) to a simple MOSFET driver circuit to control it from the Pi's 3.3V GPIO output
  • Wrote some bash code to make the bird dance, the light flash and the cuckoo bird sounds play
  • All the scheduling and execution of the code is done clean and simple in crontab
  • I also have a text to speech engine verbally state the hour after the cuckoo action so my daughter can better learn to tell time by herself

To re-map the audio to the PWM0 output of the Pi

add to /boot/config.txt to remap the audio to the PWM0 and PWM1 pins of the pi.

# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)
#remaps the audio to the PWM0 and PWM1 pins (pins 18 and 13)


Cron Scheduling

@reboot /home/pi/

#cuckoo between 8am and 6pm, inclusive
0 8-18 * * * /home/pi/

#turn on the night light at 6:15 pm
15 18 * * * echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio26/value
#turn off the night light at 6:15 am
15 6 * * * echo "0" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio26/value

Startup Configuration for GPIO


#setup the GPIO
#"In order to use a GPIO pin through sysfs, we first have to “export” each one to make the appropriate paths available."
echo "17" > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo "26" > /sys/class/gpio/export
#set direction
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/direction #cuckoo movement
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio26/direction #nightlight

Flashing Light Code



while [ "$i" -le 3 ]; do
        #turning the GPIO on
        echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio26/value
        sleep 0.050
        echo "0" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio26/value
        sleep 0.050
        i=$((i + 1))

Cuckoo Code

echo "Looping "$(date +%I)" times"

while [ "$i" -le "$(date +%I)" ]; do
        aplay /home/pi/cuckoo.wav &
        #flash the lights three times quickly
        /home/pi/ &
        #turn on the cuckoo bird coil to make it bob down and flaps its wings
        echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/value
        sleep 0.300
        #turn off the cuckoo bird coil so it sits back down
        echo "0" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio17/value
        sleep 0.700
        i=$((i + 1))
#Text to speech engine, speaks the current hour through the speaker
#date + sed command below returns the hour, in 12 format, and the sed command removes the leading zeros
espeak -v mb-en1 -s 120 "it is $(date +%I | sed 's/^0*//') oh clock"

Title says most of it. Spin electric scooters exited the Seattle market and abandoned their scooters all over the city and apparently they have a pi 4 in them!


Does anyone else have a Turbo Button™ on their router? My wifi router is in essentially attic space with no AC so it gets hot and acts up with connectivity issues. My turbo mode solves the problem.


"The paper, which the students wrote as part of an applied lab course, found that costs are diffused across a number of areas and involve things people don’t often consider. Beyond those for individual drivers, road maintenance, snow removal, and policing, there are less-obvious ones, such as those associated with added pollution, value of land set aside for parking lots, lost productivity from sitting in traffic, and various costs associated with injuries and deaths on the road.

Using publicly available data, the authors put the annual public tab at $35.7 billion, which amounts to about $14,000 for every household in the state. Those that do own vehicles pony up an additional $12,000 on average in direct costs."


Found some tiny coffee plants while in Hawaii and thought they looked amusingly fake so I grabbed a picture.


Took a nice macro shot of a flower while vacationing in Hawaii awhile back.


I call this nonsense host ‘Ghost’, for me it’s similar to a tape backup solution. Fairly simple concept, it’s an old Pi1 + external mechanical drive that sits dormant with its ethernet off. Once a month, at a random time and random date it enables the ethernet, spins up the drive and pulls data from the main server to update its drive then goes black until next month. The only way to check or maintain the pi is a push button that toggles the ethernet interface. I slapped it together with some scrap wood, spare hardware and screwed it to a 2x4 in a dark corner of my basement. It’s my 5th string backup, the ultimate insurance policy because I’m mental.

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