I didn't down vote you but honestly interested in an adult conversation regarding your stance. If all I use is MS365 and I can use it in a web app with full 2FA how am I a security risk? I can access all the same things on my personal laptop, nothing is blocked, so how is Linux different?
Makes me want to shoot my s&w 627 v-comp...
I am a landlord, I'm sure I'll catch hell but whatever. I bought a dumpster of a house in a popular metro area and proceeded to pump $300k of my own money as well as doing half the repairs myself because I'm physically and mentally able. I also do all the maintenance on the property and I'm on a first name basis with the tenants. They call me for anything they need. Not everyone has the means to operate like this, but I don't suspect anyone in this thread will listen to those realities. I now own a house that is worth a decent amount more than my total investment so I rent it way below market rate because I have two awsome tenants living in symbiosis and I don't want them to leave (selfishly, because its more work for me). But I guess according to this thread I'm a leach. I'm tired of reading these childish black and white arguments, the world is inherently grey, nothing is simple and easy to boil down but everyone sure likes to try and make a simple agreement.
Transporting heavy, wet beans in a can with a diesel truck to your store probably makes the dried beans a better choice.
Think about it this way, many Starbucks are in strip malls or developments where they dont own the property. There is consolidated waste management for the site and the property manager handles it, its out of their control. This is 100% reality, my wife used to work in commercial real estate.
I think the problem comes in with the deceit. They have recycle bins even if they don't recycle and its out of their control. They're lying to the customer, that is the crux of the problem.
Does anyone know if running a webtunnel attracts additional unwanted hacker attempts to a domain more so than just hosting normal stuff? I presume its all bots and the simple act of hosting anything gets lots of exposure regardless.
Put the sdcard in a Linux box with a GUI
Step one: shrink the image size use gparted, re-size the main partition to as small as possible
Step two: run fdisk to find out the last used sector. Command: sudo fdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0
Step three: get the 'end' sector from the last partition and enter it into the dd command below as 'count'. Run the dd command with a stop at the last used sector and correct bytes per sector set: sudo dd bs=512 count=12281855 if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/home/pi/Azle.iso status=progress
I will wait patiently for the Satanic Church to argue in court that if there is Christian curriculums then there must be Satanic and other religions. Then they will withdraw the law and the cycle will continue. Donate to your local satanic temple, they are magnificent trolls.
Just a heads up Baker Creek has a dubious history of right leaning support and using their adopted Asian son as a prop to advertise Asian veggie seeds in their catalog until folks online asked about it. Just a lot of questionable behavior.
Do a barrel roll!