this post was submitted on 26 Nov 2024
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Perchance - Create a Random Text Generator
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This is a Lemmy Community for, a platform for sharing and creating random text generators.
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Can you try logging in to Perchance and then doing the same thing again? From what I can tell, the above errors are mostly related to ads, which run in a separate 'sandbox' so it's not possible for them to be the cause of this. If you log in then there won't be ads, and we'll hopefully see more relevant messages.
Also, can you see something like the below image? If so, please screenshot that too.
It seems like it's getting stuck on one of those "load log" steps, and not making it to the final "load log: finished".
after logging in this is what I get
Thanks for your patience here 🙏 There'd normally be an error message shown, but it looks like it's just stopping at renderThreadList (the "PresentationRequest" error in your screenshot is not relevant here). I've just added some more logs, which should tell me where specifically within renderThreadList the error is occuring. If you can do exactly the same thing as the above screenshot again, that would be great! You should see:
And the number where it stops will help me narrow down the cause.
here you go and thank you for helping me (and possibly others).
Okay, that was helpful, thank you! New test: Can you try refreshing the page, and then waiting about 20 seconds to see if an "export data" button appears at the top of the screen? If so, click it, and let me know if you see any errors in the console (please screenshot if so), and whether it downloads a
file successfully (let me know file size if so). Please also open the console when it's exporting/downloading and screenshot if you see any errors.the button was there, there were no errors but it never exported... it just stays loading
Can you please try again now, and also share screenshot of the logs of the process? It'll take about 5 minutes, since it will take a while for it to "give up" on the data that it wasn't able to get. Also can you try going to the "Applications" tab like I describe in this comment:
Hmm, can you try this:
await db.characters.get(999999999)
appear, then try pasting it again but change the number to 5 - i.e.await db.characters.get(5)
again, try a few different numbers like 10, 20, 50 - we're basically trying to guess the IDs of the characters you had to see if we can get data for them individually.await db.characters.get(999999999)
then please let me know. This complicates matters, and we'll need to go "deeper" into Chrome to (hopefully) solve this.okay, so I was getting “undefined” and I did find 3 of my characters after doing numbers 1-30.
Okay, that's promising.
I've just updated the chat page so you can now export the database with the button that pops up after several seconds when the page fails to load. And then once you've done that (remember it may take 5 minutes):
The way the export process works is by skipping the 'corrupt' character that's causing the underlying issue - it actually just replaces it with one of your other characters, and then changes its name to 'CORRUPT'. So you'll probably lose at least one of your characters, but you'll still likely have all their chats, so you just need to re-write their name/description/etc.
Hopefully that works, but if not, then please let me know at which point it failed, and any error messages you saw.
well, it worked, everything is back to normal, I have all but 2 of my characters (they were the corrupt ones but they were new and barely used ones so... idc that I lost them)
!!!Thank you for all the help that you have provided me (and possibly others)!!!