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How are they gonna answer this question? None of them are biologists.
~~Oh you haven't heard of Chevron Deference yet have you!~~
~~That's the great part, we stopped those pesky experts from having any say anymore so no more interpretation of the intention of a vague law from the EPA or FDA! Now the courts get to decide what the allowed amount of Acrylamide, Phthalates, Perchlorate, Potassium bromate, and Azodicarbonamide, should be in foods and the like if a legal challenge is brought against a company!~~
~~I'm sure good ol' Thomas definitely understands what Azodicarbonamide is and how it affects the body!~~
Edit: I'm stupid lol I didn't read the article and didn't realize this was UK....
Lol i did the same thing
~~That's not a problem for them. Six of them will vote in a horrible way, and the remaining three will detail why that's such a horrible decision.~~
Colour me stupid
There are 12 justices on the UK Supreme Court, or did you not read the article even a little?
Ha! No I did not. Damnit.