this post was submitted on 24 Nov 2024
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Anything turn-based and mouse-driven like Slay the Spire, Dicey Dungeons, Baba is You, Inscryption, Super Auto Pets, Mega Knockdown, chess, riichi mahjong, visual novels, etc. Or anything turn-based in general regardless of control scheme if you're alright with playing slowly.
Rhythm Doctor - A one button rhythm game.
Crypt of the Necrodancer - This game's control scheme was designed to be possible to play it on a dance pad. Which means you can also just play it with WASD or arrow keys.
I wanna shout out Puyo Puyo Champions since it actually has a one handed preset in its controller options. D-pad or ABXY to move and L1/L2 or R1/R2 to rotate. Caveat though is that the Steam version is not at all active online, I would strongly recommend getting it on Switch if you can.
I think Baba is you is better just with keyboard, it's one of the few games that allows for keyboard navigation on menus. I'm also not sure how to even move using the mouse.