Late Stage Capitalism
A place for for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited.
A zero-tolerance policy for bigotry of any kind. Failure to respect this will result in a ban.
1 Understand the left starts at anti-capitalism.
2 No Trolling
3 No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism, liberalism is in direct conflict with the left. Support for capitalism or for the parties or ideologies that uphold it are not welcome or tolerated.
4 No imperialism, conservatism, reactionism or Zionism, lessor evil rhetoric. Dismissing 3rd party votes or 'wasted votes on 3rd party' is lessor evil rhetoric.
5 No bigotry, no racism, sexism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any type of prejudice.
6 Be civil in comments and no accusations of being a bot, 'paid by Putin,' Tankie, etc.
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Push a broom over some floor. Keep doing it until the floor is surprisingly clean. Then rub wet yarn over the same floor until it's shiny and all the sticky spots are no longer sticky. Don't forget to pick up any objects that the broom couldn't get and to move any objects that prevent you from getting the entire floor shiny.
Try doing these two tasks twice a day every day for a week. If you're able to complete these two tasks in under 8 hours, you might be qualified to be a school custodian/janitor! If your back survives the week, you just might have what it takes to make a career out of this.
If your back does hurt at the end, and you believe you're performing "unskilled labor," you are not allowed to receive any training on how to improve your techniques. If you learn any techniques on your own, you're cheating by gaining skills.