Scientists Took Semen Onto A "Vomit Comet" Flight, And The Results Were Concerning
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Also can we stop trying to figure out how humans are going to survive off earth... Until we at least make earth livable again? Like "Genius of the Century" Elon Musk is pouring billions into trying to get man to Mars while actively helping to making earth unlivable.
Like no one should be allowed to leave this rock until it either becomes Paradise or worse than fucking Mars!
If you're going to call for the stopping of advancement of science while we figure out how to not be horrible we might as well just cash it out now.
Not my point. Advancement should never be stopped but us as a civilization needs push that science towards solving the most immediate and important problems.
Just a observation. Wish it was reality. But with enough social collaboration we can make one man's wet dream of being the last of humanity, while spreading his "Superior" seed across the cosmos; socially, financially, and legally unacceptable.
Scientific advancement in space experimentation leads to breakthroughs in other areas - all scientific progress is interconnected.
"Pushing science towards solving the most immediate and important problems" is sort of a nonsense statement, as there could be new efficiencies/strategies that are discovered in fields that are completely unrelated to what would normally be associated with "the most immediate and important problems."