Liverpool Football Club
You’ll Never Walk Alone
Liverpool Football Club | |
19 | English League Titles |
6 | European Cups / UEFA Champions League |
8 | FA Cups | 9 League Cups |
3 | UEFA Cups / Europa League |
4 | UEFA Super Cups | 1 FIFA Club World Cup |
16 | FA Charity / Community Shields |
2 | Women’s Super League Titles |
Justice for the 97 ~ 15 April 1989
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I wonder if the Saudi money will be there for years to come or if this is just one season of a huge cash injection. I remember when people were going to china for huge wages - which has since dried up a fair bit.
The Saudi money is endless oil money though, perhaps not quite the same as China.
The money seems to be endless, but I'm not so sure about the focus on sports will keep up for more than 5 years
I heard 2030 as a likely target date for this whole "own all the sports" thing on a recent Bloomberg podcast.
When China pushed into football in the 2010s, it only really lasted five years or so, but it looks to me like this will be more sustained, especially given the success of the project so far.