i was traveling for work and they let me take some time off and paid for a rental car. i waited all day in the seedy rental car office and they gave me this tiny one-seat race car.
I tried to leave but couldn't get the car into gear so they gave me this ugly, monstrous motorcycle. Twenty feet long, leaking fluids and very wide tires. It doesn't respond to steering or manual controls and just goes where it wants.
The bike takes me into the car rental place and down several flights of stairs. I'm riding through the hallway of a deep underground movie theater and I don't want to see a movie. I want to get on the highway and go home for a break. I finally find an elevator and I just ride over some people to get in and push buttons to go up.
i ride to the top of a parking garage and find a place to get fuel on the top level. I lose the fuel cap and gasoline is spraying everywhere. the guy from the car rental place is now off duty, here on his way home, and laughing at me.
the bike smells bad. i can't "smell in dreams", but I just know that it's foul.
i find the fuel cap and try to leave but the parking garage is like a Borg cube/ferry in a river traveling somewhere and I can't control the bike. I ride off the edge and my stomach flips as I'm falling but I don't land in water, I land on a walkway over the water.
the walkway leads me to a narrow airport concourse.
and it just went like that, always falling like a hundred feet to a light rail track, riding that into an outdoor weed festival and asking for directions to get out of Tennessee, only to just constantly wind up somewhere else inappropriate for this ridiculous motorcycle
dreams are interesting. dreams offer insight to what your mind is up to when you're not paying attention. it's cool to write them down and ponder.
but dream analysis is silly to me, so I'm not sure what to say
Agreed. Though I ask wondering it this was a common one like teeth falling out or flying. Though (I think) they without any deep meaning. The shared common dreams are fascinating