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I crafted mine with Demolitionist + Adaptive Munitions, although I'm currently reevaluating Adaptive Munitions now that match game is no longer a modifier anywhere. Vorpal would be a solid choice, and I think there's a strong case to be made for Unstoppable Force (this would probably be my choice today).
Auxiliary Reserves and Extended Mag are both great choices since you'll get increased shield duration and magazine size. Demolitionist negates the reload penalty from Extended Mag, too.
Thanks. Went ahead and crafted one. Ultimately think I'll land on Demolitionist + Adrenaline Junkie. Unclear to me if melee kills proc either one, though.
Melee kills won't proc either of those, but that hasn't mattered much in my experience (at least when using my Osmiomancy build). However, the Extrovert origin trait does proc from melee kills after a patch a few seasons back, so you do get a nice boost to survivability when dealing with lots of enemies.
I won't go into all the details unless you're interested, but the way my Osmiomancy build plays, Demolitionist primarily works as an easy way to reload, with the secondary function of helping me get my grenade back if I completely whiff a throw. Otherwise, I prioritize throwing Coldsnap grenades directly at the largest targets I can find to refund the most grenade energy possible. You should pretty much be able to throw grenades as often as you want (assuming there are enemies to freeze), and it's unbelievably satisfying to shatter a huge group with a glaive melee.
Also of note, Demolitionist on glaives got buffed this season, so even without the enhanced version of the perk, you should be getting 20% of your grenade back for every kill.
Thanks for the run-down. I've tried an osmiomancy turret build several times and just could never really get the hang of the loop, mostly because I'm just bad with fusion rifles. Hadn't considered using a glaive. Appreciate the info!