this post was submitted on 14 Oct 2024
134 points (97.2% liked)

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They're still trying to clear their names. More frustrating than creepy, but deserving of a read.

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[–] Maggoty 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

That's a lot of information. But does it rise to beyond reasonable doubt?

Being seen in the area. Having mass market clothes, knives, and candles, and not having an alibi are all circumstantial.

Especially if the prosecution's theory is a modern day witch hunt?

Sure, they got caught doing a lot of lying. That does not mean they did a murder too.

[–] stoned_ape 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I just like to present it since like a lot of the conversation revolves around, and I think most people, myself included, had their first exposure to the case through, Paradise Lost which is fr only one angle ya know?

Idk if I would've convicted them. I think there was a lot of stuff that wasn't clear on either side which isn't beyond a reasonable doubt

But I've also been on a couple juries and always voted not guilty so maybe that's a personal thing lol

[–] Maggoty 3 points 2 weeks ago

I would maybe add that bit. Because to me your post seemed like you were supporting their conviction, not just presenting facts.