Mental Health
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It doesn't seem to affect me in the way it normally does. I can drink coffee at 6 and sleep at 1130.
Paradoxical stimulant response and substance abuse disorder points to ADHD, often misdiagnosed in adults as anxiety and depression.
I was misdiagnosed for 10 years with no effect from the meds for anxiety and depression. Stimulant meds work well for me. Not for everyone tho.
How did you end up getting diagnosed?
Asked my therapist to refer me to a psychiatrist that could do ADHD testing. They did an interview and 2 different IQ tests. Now I see my psychiatrist every 30 days to get my controlled substance prescription.
If you're in Canada, there's an online service called Frida
I was personally diagnosed by a psychiatrist who I was referred to by my family doctor. I think you have to go through a psychiatrist at least while you're titrating your dose but then your family doctor may be able to take over once you're about where you need to be.
The half-time of caffeine in our bodies is pretty long, like 6 hours IIRC. Might affect the quality of sleep even if you manage to fall asleep
I feel like my sleep is better than normal, nothing is compounding.
I'm feeling better today finally. Woke up at 8am, energy is good, thinking clearly. Ready to take a break from social media for a while.
That's good then. I also love coffee and drink absurd amounts during the day :-)