this post was submitted on 03 Oct 2024
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[–] Delphia 2 points 1 week ago

Its the same problem with the Epstein situation.

Setting morality aside lets say you are fabulously wealthy and get invited to a "freak fest" or whatever he called them. Nothing inherently illegal about it, you would assume that with his money he could obtain the services of high end, young and attractive people for these purposes. As a guest, you arent going to go around asking to see everyones ID and ask them if they are there of their own free will and arent being extorted, or forced to participate.

Even if you only went out of morbid curiosity and bounced after 5 minutes in disgust are you really going to go on the record as to having been there? That sounds like "I smoked marijuana but I didnt inhale" or "I did not have sex with that woman" Even if you willingly took part assuming that everyone was above board you are throwing yourself under the statutory rape bus and just begging for an acre of civil suits if nothing else.

Its in almost nobodies best interests to say shit if they know anything.