this post was submitted on 19 Sep 2024
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I think we have to focus on individual action AND hold corporations accountable. The thing I see over and over is people blaming one or the other, but many corporations only pollute as much as they do BECAUSE of individuals using their products or services (see the plastics industry for one example). I do believe that corporations should be financially liable for helping cleanup of any waste they create.
Oh, and outlaw private fucking jets.
Geoengineering can work on a limited scale (cloud seeding, blasting ocean water into the air, etc.), but especially in smaller countries, would require buy-in from neighbour countries to avoid conflict. Some of the solutions I've seen presented are pretty massive in scale and would need nearly the whole world involved to accomplish.
As someone who had forestry and ecology in high school, I think environmental impact education would be valuable in a class focusing on life education (in Canada, we called it Career And Life Management or CALM for short at the time). Of course, some thing has to be given up to do that, and I would suggest rolling back a lot of the mathematics requirements and placing them in college courses where they used to be. As an anecdote, my grandfather worked with the Canadian Space Agency and was stumped by my grade 10 math homework 25 years ago. He said a lot of what I was learning in Math 10 was stuff that was in advanced courses in college when he was younger. One of these skillsets is far more useful broadly in education and life...
Outlaw, too, the owners of them.