this post was submitted on 03 Aug 2024
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submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by Ab_intra to c/horror

I'm bored and want some suggestions! I love extreme cinema so throw it at me!

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[–] Ab_intra 1 points 3 months ago

Wow there is some great gems here!

The Others is amazing and I remember being blown away by it when I watched it. Totally love it!

The new Boogyman was probably one of my favorite more last year. It actually made me really get into it and i felt it wasn't all jumpscare like many horror movies do today. I love horror movies that build it up and takes it time.

Talk to me.. Omg what a great flix. I think I have to watch it again. I'm looking forward to see what comes next from the director.

Oh and Antichrist. Wow, that movie was such a mixed bag for me. I really liked it until the ending, but I won't go into spoiler territory. It's definitely one of the more fucked up movies I've seen, but I wouldn't say it's really that bad.

By the way, if you're into Lars Von Trier then The House that Jack built is pretty good as well. And if you're interested in something that is not horror related Melancholia is a great movie, but it might be a hard watch if you're not to patient. The reason I love it is because it truly shows how depression can be.