California Governor Unveils Emergency Rules To Ban Hemp Products With Any 'Detectable Amount' Of THC
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I am aware of the difference. The terminology is confusing and I was kinda stoned while typing that.
He specifically said "any detectable amount of total THC" though, which means the difference is moot. Total THC is THCA in this context.
So there is no miscommunication, yeah federal law allows a max of 0.3% D9 THC at the pre-harvest test (I forget the exact specifics, it's been a while). Newsom said CBD that contains any detectable percentage of total THC is banned in the state of California by executive order with no oversight. The scientific facts of the latter are not the same as the former and Newsom is an idiot for thinking they are.
You sir are correct. My apologies!
No worries. I wasn't super clear originally and it's confusing as hell tbh. I just want people to be able to access things they find helpful