this post was submitted on 04 Sep 2024
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I might have a type. Honorable mentions to Resistance: Fall of Man, Wolfenstein The New Order, and Doom 2016. Titanfall 2 was also pretty great.
I have New Order. I tried Doom reboot and lost interest in playing because of the fictional space creatures. You're the 3rd to mention Titanfall 2. I have it but played maybe an hour so I don't know it very well.
New Order does a great job of classic shooter premise mixed with some stealth and overall badassery. Doom is a little more arena style, its like you explore until you get to a big room you fight a few waves of enemies in and then rinse and repeat. The shooting and movement are fantastic though, and even exploring and looking for secrets was well done (check the map and check it again). Titanfall 2 had some solid level layouts, and the wall running while on foot mixed with mech combat was grade A. They really should have done Titanfall 3 instead of Apex, but I guess corporate saw dollar signs in the gaming as a service thing and that was that.
All three of these games absolutely nailed what is important in a shooter - the shooting. Impactful, fun, cool weapons and a whole lotta targets to hit.
God I would love a remake of Resistance. Just another game trapped on the ps3
Resistance is one I can say I haven’t played in a long time so I don’t actually know how it holds up, but I remember loving it when it came out. Cool weapons especially