this post was submitted on 02 Sep 2024
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Why? Lemme just google the 'most famous German speeches' really quick...
"Wenn Sie ... vom Hauptbahnhof in München ... mit zehn Minuten, ohne, dass Sie am Flughafen noch einchecken müssen, dann starten Sie im Grunde genommen am Flughafen ... am ... am Hauptbahnhof in München starten Sie Ihren Flug. Zehn Minuten. Schauen Sie sich mal die großen Flughäfen an, wenn Sie in Heathrow in London oder sonst wo, meine se ... Charles de Gaulle äh in Frankreich oder in ...äh... in ... in...ä Rom.
Wenn Sie sich mal die Entfernungen ansehen, wenn Sie Frankfurt sich ansehen, dann werden Sie feststellen, dass zehn Minuten... Sie jederzeit locker in Frankfurt brauchen, um ihr Gate zu finden. Wenn Sie vom Flug ... vom ... vom Hauptbahnhof starten - Sie steigen in den Hauptbahnhof ein, Sie fahren mit dem Transrapid in zehn Minuten an den Flughafen in ... an den Flughafen Franz Josef Strauß.
Dann starten Sie praktisch hier am Hauptbahnhof in München. Das bedeutet natürlich, dass der Hauptbahnhof im Grunde genommen näher an Bayern ... an die bayerischen Städte heranwächst, weil das ja klar ist, weil auf dem Hauptbahnhof viele Linien aus Bayern zusammenlaufen."
(assisted) English Translation
"If you ... from the main station in Munich ... with ten minutes, without having to check in at the airport, then you basically start at the airport ... at ... at the main station in Munich, you start your flight. Ten minutes. Take a look at the big airports, if you're at Heathrow in London or somewhere else, my se ... Charles de Gaulle uh in France or in ...uh... in ... Rome.If you look at the distances, if you look at Frankfurt, you'll see that ten minutes... you'll always take this much time in Frankfurt to find your gate. If you start from the flight ... from ... from the main station - you board the main station, you take the Transrapid to the airport in ... to Franz Josef Strauß Airport.
Then you practically start here at Munich Central Station. Of course, this means that the main station is basically closer to Bavaria ... to the Bavarian cities, because that's obvious, because many lines from Bavaria converge at the main station."
Translator's note: [sic]
I'm a native German and I don't get it. What is the speaker talking about? Is this in favor of trains or planes???
Both, kinda. His point was (if O recall correctly) to promote a faster light rail track from Munich central station to the FJS Airport, also in Munich. The main benefit would be that you "start your flight on the train" because the transfer is seamless (in theory).
Almost, he advocated for building a ~37 km long maglev train (the Transrapid) between Munich main station and Munich airport.
The project never made it past planning because it would've cost billions with limited economic gain.
as always new technology is developed in germany and then they dont manage to apply it on scale
hyper incompetent local politician Stoiber made heaps of terrible long term damaging decisions. But advocating for the locally developed transrapid isn't one. Wouldn't it be cool if it actually existed? His legacy remains this speech and rampant privatisation of public infrastructure which resulted in quality decline across the board😎 sadly no real 10 minute maglev
his incoherent speech in written form reminds me of orange man tho