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There is verifiable evidence of climate change that anyone could go and recreate for themselves so that is not the same thing.
I'm not saying communism is good or bad but there has never existed a real form of communism to even test. If one points to Russia as an example then they have to explaine how Russia was supposed to be classless yet it had clearly defined classes of enormous economic disparity... in direct violation with the very foundation of communism.
The USSR was Communist by ideology, Socialist in structure. It was attempting to build Communism. The USSR did have bourgeois elements, especially as it liberalized closer to its dissolution, but this alone does not make it "direct violation with the very foundation of Communism."
I encourage you to read Marx, Engels, and Lenin, and not just wikipedia definitions of Communism.
You failed to mention rife and extreme corruption. High class wealth disparity coupled with corruption... how could this ever be used to treat the validity of communism? Personally I do not believe it can ever exist. Humans wouldn't allow it thanks to human nature.
Compared to what? Real r/SocialismIsCapitalism moment.
Say the line Bart!
It’s human nature.
\o/ \o/ \o/
These comments are rife with capitalist realism.

The USSR was far less corrupt than the previous Tsarist system and the future Capitalist Russian Federation. Additionally, there was far lower wealth disparity in the USSR than in Tsarist Russia or the Capitalist Russian Federation, as shown in this figure:
Because life expectancy doubled, the USSR went from pre-industrial feudalism to space in half a century, literacy rates skyrocketed, home ownership skyrocketed, healthcare and university-level education were free, and the USSR had more vacation days than the US, with lower retirement ages. Read Blackshirts and Reds if you don't believe me.
This is idealism, and contradicts history and science. What is considered "Human Nature" changes alongside technological development and Mode of Production.
You still cannot compare testing the validity of communism to testing the validity of climate change. Which is the whole reason for my initial comment.
What, precisely, do you contest in my comment? AES states have largely made great strides in improving conditions for the Working Class. This is provable with metrics and data. Additionally, you didn't respond to the bit on Human Nature, which I hope means you changed your mind but somehow I doubt that.
It doesn't matter... you cannot test communism(or any form of government) performed by a nation of millions of humans which is subjective in any way as clearly as you can test climate change because it is not subjective.
The metrics I linked are objective and trackable. Do you contest that?
You cannot be "brainwashed" that climate change is real. It just is scientifically real 100% no question.
"Communism is bad" is an opinion and cannot be scientifically tested to be 100% true or false.
We cannot.
Thankfully, the US will collapse eventually, and Socialism will grow exponentially once Imperialism as a function of developed Monopoly Capitalism is ended.
If your username ends in 88 then communism is bad for you, yes.
what communist country?
Tell me more about that "proof" you are refering to