A place to discuss pro-conservative stuff
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Yeah, none of that is justified. Whether religion, opinion, or ideology, it's your duty to protect everyone's right to them, just as it's your duty to prevent people taking harmful action with them—like any other scenario. There's a big difference in two people yelling their opinions back and forth at each other, and someone planning or insighting crime onto the other because of it. That's why the street preacher can feel as safe as the guy walking past with 666 tattooed on their forehead. They're expressing themselves, not harming anyone, whether their opinion is popular or not.
The republican party wouldn't exist without it
Which makes sense. Personally, I'd show up to protest and mock them. But wouldn't say they can't be there, that'd be hypocritical of me. I'm sure when I protest for what I think is right, there's a cohort of people that loathe it and think I'm insane too.