
joined 1 month ago
[–] barsquid 1 points 2 hours ago

Begging people to subscribe to their own hardware will have increased results when they can show you your OneDrive is full. It probably will get them more money than it loses them. They are utterly thirsty for subscription revenue.

[–] barsquid 2 points 2 hours ago

I found a printer in the trash that I grabbed, it had motors and frame but no PSU and mainboard. Five years later it is in worse shape than it was because I took the extruder off. I like to make progress on stuff by just increasing the scope so that it is overwhelming.

[–] barsquid 7 points 6 hours ago

I want to hound people for getting a Bambu. Look at the bullshit we're dealing with on 2D printers because they aren't open source with standard parts.

[–] barsquid 1 points 6 hours ago

Embrace, extend, extinguish is an attitude for more than one company I guess.

[–] barsquid 4 points 8 hours ago

Oh "challenged" as in attempted to actually accomplish something and did. Nice. I'm too used to headlines using energetic verbs when the reality is that one party Twote at another.

[–] barsquid 4 points 8 hours ago

That does show good judgement.

[–] barsquid 5 points 9 hours ago

They want nominally left authoritarianism instead of explicitly right authoritarianism. As long as the state claims to be "socialist" they'll defend whatever it does, even if it has economic "characteristics" like an ability to produce hundreds of billionaires. Maybe other superficial differences like they hate Uyghurs instead of Latinos.

[–] barsquid 17 points 9 hours ago

Seriously. The real Obama Death Panel is a lone worker mass-clicking "not covered" all the way down a spreadsheet that has your care as a line items.

I also like doing this juxtaposition:

Repubs under Obama: "death panels are going to kill our grandmas."

Repubs under Donald: "sacrifice all grandmas to the rising line."

[–] barsquid 15 points 9 hours ago

Conservatives are all liars. I mean, you know that. But the academic theory of the free market valuing things correctly requires an assumption that people can go without the goods and services being valued. It's not even a misrepresentation on this one. It's just a straight-up lie.

[–] barsquid 1 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

"Hard left" lol. You're not a moderate, you're well to the right. I'm with you on ranked choice or a different sane system, tho.

[–] barsquid 7 points 9 hours ago

Like if Biden says, "never have I ever committed a campaign finance felony," and then Donald has to two-hand wobble his little drink up to the sphincter on his face to take a swig.

[–] barsquid 14 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

All of my problems are because other people are billionaires.

Ok that's hyperbole, sometimes a jar has a tight lid. Literally every non-trivial problem.

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