this post was submitted on 12 Jul 2023
34 points (94.7% liked)

AI Generated Images

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Don't mean to get in the middle of the Dieselpunk challenge but I figured the people here might want to take a shot at creating a banner as well. I'm going to leave that thread open for at least a week so you guys should have time.

Please post your best submissions to the Agora thread linked above

I will try to scan both threads to get all of the candidates before we vote, but the Agora thread is the official discussion, this was just cross-posted for awareness.

The two obvious themes in my mind are gears/some sort of complex machine, or computer hardware/circuits.

As an avid Lain Iwakura enjoyer, I added that screenshot because it's awesome and I think it'd be an extremely cool banner, but there are probably much cleaner designs out there that would be more welcoming to new users. I'm sure you guys will be able to come up with some in short order.

You can look on to get a quick overview of some other instance banners.

I really don’t know how the formatting and proportions are supposed to work but I will edit that in as soon as someone clarifies. looks like this

This discussion run for at least a week, and then we can take the most upvoted submissions in this thread and put them up for an official vote.

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