this post was submitted on 16 Aug 2024
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they really need to be leaving this shit to the posters, instead of being your mildly annoying reddit/instagram/used-to-be-on-facebook aunt.
No way, this stuff is excellent. Hard to believe yours is a good faith take when Trump & co spew the most vile commentary that is completely fact free day after day. This is sarcastic, but it's not really an exaggeration. They could go harder, this is still quite professional, I love to see it. Finally the Dems are in the rhetoric race.
im not saying to not say vile shit? there's not a lot of vile shit about him that isn't true, and I wish they would be more honest about it and not refer to him except as a pedophile, rapist, or terrorist
it's the weird tweeness and like weird stilted kinda restricted memes that bug me.
they already tried that and it didn't work while the republicans spew shit like this regularly then maga was born.
i think you're misunderstanding what my problem with this is.