OpenAI has built a text watermarking method to detect chatgpt written content
This is a most excellent place for technology news and articles.
Please elaborate for the uneducated
Thanks, great read. Appreciate it. That was one example but you mentioned two - are you thinking of some of the broader disinformation applications in addition to the data gathering mentioned?
Look, I don't want to waste your time so let me tell you this is a subject I have been concerned about, researched, coded for, and posting about mass manipulation via AI since the 90s.
You can really be pedantic and nit-picky all you want, it really doesn't matter to me. AI is the second greatest existential threat we face as a species. If you haven't already been convinced at least to some degree of its danger, nothing I will say will change your mind anyway.
The most dangerous right now AI manifestation is in sentiment identification and control, the second is autonomous armed robots.
Thanks my dude. I was just asking you an honest question. Appreciate the information
Get bent in extradimensional vectors.
You seem angry :-p
You seem blocked