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Altars of sorrow are pretty nice since there're plenty of ads and most fall over to any damage. Onslaught is also fun and you can earn some pretty great weapons (don't forget to attune at zavala if you want to target something). If you don't want to compete with other players then the opening of grasp of avarice is also pretty quick.
Overall would recommend weaving in solstice bounty completion with other things you're trying to get done (catalysts, event challenges, etc.) since farming almost anything like this can get monotonous
Those sound great! Thanks! :D
I have only dabbled into the altars of sorrow, out of all the options you mentioned, so I would probably stick to that?
At the moment I'm mostly trying to complete various exotic quests and leftover after-campaign quests from all the dlcs.
Do you maybe know of some way of earning silver leaves quicker than the 7 leaves/10 minutes of bonfire bash?
You'll actually pick up silver leaves from each stage of altars of sorrow and more at the end so that works out if you're going with that option. Otherwise they drop from any activity completion so I wouldn't sweat farming them too much
Also work on any catalysts while doing AoS, it's a great way to get kills. Equip extra ammo finders if you need special or heavy.