this post was submitted on 31 Jul 2024
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It's not a crime for a Jew to rape a nonjew in Israel

Jewish law is very clear about this so shut up and let them rape you Image

[Image of tweet by @keenanitreal, description below]


[No I am not "literally" advocating for anything. Just pointing out that your hyperbole.

[In the JEWISH state, by JEWISH law, only a Jewish woman can be raped. Assault of a non-jew is a lesser crime.

[Do you believe a Jewish state has a right to exist or you want us in the sea?]


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[–] Intrama 9 points 6 months ago

That's honestly all they have. They always revert to nonsense. Don't address the absurdity and the absurdity alone. Nope. Guilt trip and hammer away. Although, it's really looking more ridiculous than ever before.