this post was submitted on 28 Jul 2024
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[–] David_Eight 6 points 5 months ago (1 children)

That just sounds super confusing. I know Marvel has done that with some smaller characters, but Tony Stark is the closest thing the MCU has/had to a main character. If it's not an alternate Ironman it'll just confuse audiences.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I don’t think it’d be confusing if they either never show his face, or only show his face as heavily disfigured.

I did worry about his voice though, as RDJ has a pretty distinct accent and way of speaking, but then I reasoned that he’s a good enough actor to put on an accent, and that Latveria, being a fictional country, could justify a strange accent and mask his speech, no pun intended.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Yeah. To add to this: my husband was just reflecting on how dismayed Iron Man fans were when he was cast as Tony Stark in 2007. The consensus on forums like this was that he was a skinny, nebbish weirdo with a nasally voice who was probably too unreliable due to addiction issues to appear consistently in a franchise. And yet here we are.

People forget this: he's an actual actor! He's not just that one voice and face!

I think he's genuinely done and satisfied with Tony Stark as a character, but he had a lot of fun being in Marvel movies, so he's starting over. Yes: he was the main character. And I think he'd like to go on being a main character, but wants a new experience and the opportunity to play the ultimate villain. And when he gets in character, I don't think anyone is going to be confused.