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You could probably buy Witch Queen and The Final Shape and get a good amount of Destiny out of those two expansions. Both have good campaigns and Raids. Skip Lightfall and Beyond Light unless you get them in a bundle. Most of the content in those is dead and the campaigns suck. They’re really only good for unlocking Stasis and Strand.
So far Episode 1 has just been Seasons with a different name and I’m not really impressed. From what they’ve said I think Episode 3 will probably be substantial but we’ll see.
Thanks for the quick response. :)
Like I mentioned in the title, I bought the legacy bundle on a whim, which seems to include every dlc "pack" + Witchqueen and Lightfall and the 30th anniversary thingy. This does not seem to include dungeon keys for two DLCs (Witchqueen and Lightfall, I think?) as they're only in the eververse shop (yikes). Gonna have to look into those, they could be interesting.
I do plan on playing all the campaigns that are still available, as I did like the story (at least most parts) back when I played. EDIT: At least for the new subclasses, I guess.
Also: thanks on the heads-up on the episodes. Doesn't really sound all that interesting to me then.
Is there any other type of free content dropped during the seasons or do I get "left out" for not buying the annual pass?
I forgot about 30th Anniversary pack. Super fun activity with good guns. Absolutely farm that.
I think the only thing that was free that you still can access is Onslaught. A horde mode from last season. It drops very popular guns like Mountaintop and Recluse. In August they’re pushing an update that lets you focus what gun you want to drop at Zavala.
Dungeons are hit or miss. I don’t think you’re missing much there. They can be fun but after doing it 5 times and not getting a good roll they get old. If they had craftable guns I’d say consider it.
That sounds great. Thanks for your thorough replies! :)
I guess I'll just try moving through the campaigns and activities and get a grip on the new mechanics and gameplay loops first.
If you're down, are there any builds/pieces of equipment you would suggest for having some fun? I used to like ability-heavy builds for spamming grenades/refilling your super real quick - is that still on the table?