this post was submitted on 08 Jul 2024
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Previous tweet - "So fun story… 6 months ago I asked to get my adrenal glands checked and blood work done to check hormone levels because of symptoms I had been having. Insurance would not approve the tests. Fast forward today, I had a CT with contrast to check a mass that was found accidentally during another test, that is either on my kidney or adrenal gland. Moral of the story… listen to your body."

["So here is the update. Yes it is a mass on my adrenal gland. Next step is meeting with an endocrinologist surgeon. It’s inconclusive at this point, if it is cancer. In other news, I ate French fries and a concrete mixer and I feel a little better."[(

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[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 months ago (2 children)

This has become a major problem and really pisses me off about the state of American healthcare.

Maria, Brandi Rhodes, Maryse... it's a pattern that lines up with what my mom has complained about since I was a kid, doctor's don't listen to women and pass off their problems like it's nothing if the simple tests don't show something. This country needs a major health overhaul and not insurance reform like The ACA/Obamacare.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago

Not just America, even up here in Canada things are going tits up health-care wise, just slower and from a better starting place.

[–] Lost_My_Mind 5 points 4 months ago (1 children)

And independant of what you're saying, we also need to address what is causing all this cancer. I'm a 40 year old male, just got over a year long cancer fight a few months ago. While I was doing that, I learned my perticular cancer has had an astronomical rise in adult males as young as 20.

I have no idea if this cancer Maria may or may not have is common, but I've been told many specific cancers are on the rise for people younger and younger.

Cancer cures and treatments on the whole is leagues better than they were 40 years ago. My cancer used to be considered serious. Now it was considered "you'll be fiiiiiiine". Still though, the presence of cancer is on the rise in younger people.

We should probably figure out why that is. Becsuse I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I did drink heavily, but have since cut down dramatically. There aren't many things you assosiate with cancer risks that I would partake in.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I've read some papers that blame it on plastics, that increased plastic use in food packaging starting in the 70s leading to almost all foods by the 90s has led to the explosion of microplastics in all people, including fetuses in the womb, as well as pretty much every animal and waterway tested. Others blame it on the diets that "first world" countries enjoy that are high in ultra processed foods and chemicals. I'm no scientist but you can kind of see where those things line up with the increase of larger people and younger people getting sick sooner.

Although, that doesn't explain why young people are getting cancer in higher amounts and older people in lesser amounts.

Of course, scientific papers are kind of wild, tomorrow ten new papers could come out claiming all of that is a lie... my favorite example is the MSG scare, one paper said it was bad about 50-60 years ago and now most Americans still believe that, despite multiple other papers saying that it's fine in moderation just like regular salt.

I may be biased in that though because I use MSG in my recipes instead of salt, I think they taste better, you can buy it under the consumer friendly name Accent. Although I don't like it for things like Fries or Eggs where you need to sprinkle it on.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

I buy a big bottle of msg once a year or so on Amazon and it goes into damned near anything I make so I feel ya on that one. (Actually need to top up this month and I might grab nutritional yeast as well and give it a go)