this post was submitted on 25 Jun 2024
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EDIT: Dr Disrespect has made a full statement regarding the ban.

Twitch abruptly permabanned one of its biggest names (Guy Beahm a.k.a. Dr Disrespect) from their platform back in 2020 without explanation. Four years later, two former Twitch employees have now spoken up, alleging that he was banned for sexting with a minor through the Twitch Whispers app and attempting to meet up with her at TwitchCon.

This came two years after a settled lawsuit between Twitch and Beahm, where neither party admitted to any wrongdoing, and his contract was paid.

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[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

honestly the only way people will 100% be able to understand as to why they'd have to see the contract Twitch had with Guy at the time. I wouldn't put it past twitch if they had a really loose and shitty contract. could simply be a matter of "we want you off the platform, we weren't smart enough to have a solid mortality clause if any at all, so we have to pay out the rest of your term".

and Guy could have been speaking the truth when he originally said 4 years ago he didn't know why he was banned. They could have simply banned him and hoped he wouldn't fight it. He threatens to take them to court for the money he feels he's owed and rather than potentially expose the victim they just decided to settle.

I mean knowing Guy's fanbase that's the route I would have personally taken. The last thing I would want is some kid that Guy was sexting to be potentially exposed and then harassed or threatened by insane 30+ year old dudes. it's happened before in cases like this.