this post was submitted on 24 Jun 2024
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"Oh, this is calamity! Calamity! Oh no, he's on the floor!"

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Meanwhile On Grad

Documenting hate-speech, conspiracy theories, apologia/revisionism, and general tankie behaviour across the fediverse

What is a Tankie?

Alternatively, a detailed blog post about Tankies.

(caution of bias)

Basic Rules: Instance rules apply! If you are from other instances, please be mindful of the rules.

Hate-Speech -- You should be familiar with this one already; practically all instances have the same rules on hate speech.

Apologia -- (Using the Modern terminology for Apologia) No Defending, Denying, Justifying, Bolstering, or Differentiating authoritarian acts or endeavours, whether be a Pro-CCP viewpoint, Stalinism or any variation of Tankie Ideology. There is no justifying Genocide.

Revisionism -- Downplaying or denying atrocities past and present will result in an immediate ban.

Bans typically only last seven days, but repeat infractions will have longer sentences. You may ask to be unbanned.

founded 1 year ago

disclaimer i have no opinion on this “media bias/fact check”, site. i just think the “don’t outsource critical thinking” comment is hilarious

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[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 days ago (1 children)

What a clown. How are they different from Trump supporting nutbags?

[–] barsquid 8 points 3 days ago

They want nominally left authoritarianism instead of explicitly right authoritarianism. As long as the state claims to be "socialist" they'll defend whatever it does, even if it has economic "characteristics" like an ability to produce hundreds of billionaires. Maybe other superficial differences like they hate Uyghurs instead of Latinos.