this post was submitted on 24 Jun 2024
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[–] [email protected] 20 points 6 days ago (25 children)

It does. EVs are much heavier due to battery weight and have more power and torque. Which all results in more tire wear.

[–] manualoverride 19 points 6 days ago (11 children)

2023 top 5 vehicles sold in USA and weight:

1 - Ford F-150 4069-5697lbs

2 - Chevrolet Silverado 4400-6947lbs

3 - Ram pickup 4765-6440lbs

4 - Toyota RAV4 3370lbs

5 - Tesla Model Y 4416lbs

Looks like the only electric on the list is below the average weight. We don’t have these conversations about the trucks.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 5 days ago (4 children)

That's a list of a bunch of trucks compared to a midsized SUV, so you're kind of proving yourself wrong. Cars are split into weight classes, so a comparison that doesn't acknowledge that isn't very useful. A EV Sedan is on average much heavier than an ICE sedan.

No one's saying ICE vehicles are better for the environment than EVs

[–] manualoverride 7 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Those are the most sold vehicles in the US, when you have heavy EV’s in the top slots you can say that heavy ev’s are a problem… until then it’s what you are buying is causing the problem.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Just because something isn't the biggest problem doesn't mean it's not a problem worth talking about.

[–] manualoverride 6 points 5 days ago

I agree entirely, but the title of this post suggests that EVs are the problem, but actually it’s heavy vehicles.

Additionally when we say “problem”, particulate pollution from vehicles is 99.9% a diesel problem, and 0.1% a tire problem. (Not actual statistics but let me know how wrong I am with the actual stat)

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