this post was submitted on 24 Jun 2024
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[–] SirSamuel 12 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (9 children)

Oh wow, I can't wait to spend a shitload of money on it, only to wait two hours for it to update every time I want to play it. The best part is when one of those pointless updates breaks my joystick and makes the ~~have~~ game (goddammit gboard) unplayable.

I love that

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (5 children)

I’ve been playing this since release and that’s not my experience at all. There’s no pointless updates, the post launch support for this game is top tier. We’ve gotten consistent updates for years now, and the amount of content they’ve added to a non-subscription game is unmatched in my experience.

I’m surprised to see this at the top comment.

[–] SirSamuel 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Dude I'm happy for you. I don't play often, and when i do there's always some giant update to slog through. As is typical for Microsoft, the updates are forced and at the most inconvenient time. My free time is rare and precious.

The last time i tried to play my joystick was borked in MSFS, but worked fine in Squadrons. I haven't tried to play since

Yes the updates have a point, but the forced nature and size of them isn't convenient and feels arbitrary. Likely others feel the same way I do

What I want is a game I can sit down and play on the rare occasions where I have a couple free hours. MSFS isn't that game. I wish it was, because when i can play it, it's amazing

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Fair enough, I can see how that would be annoying. In my experience, the updates have been substantial and worth the download; the added handcrafted airports, updated scenery/city scans, and vastly expanded activities more than makes up for the 20 minutes I spend a month to update the game. XPlane might be more up your alley in terms of fewer forced updates but the VFR flying isn’t as stunning as MSFS to me. For airliners, it’s on par for the most part.

[–] SirSamuel 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

So i decided, since work finished early today, to see if an update fixes the controller.

First i get an Xbox games login requirement using my email, so i do that and get an error, and have to force the program closed via steam.

I try again and am greeted with the (expected) required update message

I'm now waiting for the fifteen GB update to download.

I'll report back to let you know if my joystick works after this

E: yeah that took 20 minutes to download and another ten to install. Joystick throttle still doesn't function correctly in flight, even though it maps correctly

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Check what preset is mapped in the controller configuration page. I’ve had it revert to the default map before, but the old preset was still saved.

15GB sounds about right for missing a few months. IMO, that’s a relatively small update. I’ve got a ~400GB install with all world updates installed, and another ~400GB of third party mods on top of that. 15GB is about the space for a single study level airliner with no liveries and a couple of handcrafted airports. This is not particularly out of the ordinary compared to the other pilots in my virtual airline. It’s a big game with big mods, people want very high resolution textures, detailed models, and high fidelity sounds.

[–] SirSamuel 2 points 4 days ago

So the throttle control is mapped correctly, and i didn't have any other throttle related controls mapped to the joystick.

Granted it's a cheap Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, but it works fine in Squadrons. When I check the mapping in the controller configuration it shows a nice gradual 0-100% throttle increase with no sudden changes as the throttle is increased. In-game the throttle jumps all over the place and arbitrarily lands on (usually) 0 or 100% throttle, seemingly at random.

In the words of Danny Glover

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