this post was submitted on 23 Jun 2024
85 points (78.9% liked)

Linux Gaming

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Discussions and news about gaming on the GNU/Linux family of operating systems (including the Steam Deck). Potentially a $HOME away from home for disgruntled /r/linux_gaming denizens of the redditarian demesne.

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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.







founded 1 year ago

I've been working on converting my gaming PC to Linux for a few weeks, but everything is running, but it all is just a little jankier than I would like.

I have an 8th gen Intel i7 and an Rtx 2070, running Arch linux.

Sometimes I boot up and my mouse doesn't work and I have to restart. Sometimes I launch games and they just don't launch right.

It feels like I'm doing a lot of work for no benefit. In fact, Elden ring runs way worse on my Linux partition than my Windows partition.

I've tried GE proton, gamemode, steam compatibility, everything... I'm sorry but I'm going to have to stick with Windows for gaming.

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[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I vouch for Bazzite OS. I have Arch on my main and Nobara on a sibling's computer for gaming and Nobara works flawlessly with minimal setup. It pretty much works the same as my arch desktop with all the KDE stuff. Highly recommend, even if you're new or experienced.