this post was submitted on 20 Jun 2024
55 points (89.9% liked)


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Hurling ordure at the TREACLES, especially those closely related to LessWrong.

Posts or links discussing our very good friends should have "NSFW" ticked (Nice Sneers For Winners).

AI-Industrial-Complex grift is fine as long as it sufficiently relates to the AI doom from our very good friends.

This is sneer club, not debate club. Unless it's amusing debate.

[Especially don't debate the race scientists, if any sneak in - we ban and delete them as unsuitable for the server.]

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[–] [email protected] 8 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

In the first Foundation story, there's a weird mention of applying symbolic logic to human language that comes from nowhere and goes nowhere. Campbell insisted upon it because

he felt in our discussions that symbolic logic, further developed, would so clear up the mysteries of the human mind as to leave human actions predictable. The reason human beings are so unpredictable was we didn't really know what they were saying and thinking because language is generally used obscurely. So what we needed was something that would unobscure the language and leave everything clear.

Clear being a fortuitous choice of wording on Asimov's part there, given, well.

TESCREAL and Scientology don't just share methodology; they both descend directly from "Golden Age" science fiction. In this essay I will