this post was submitted on 21 Jun 2024
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"He's a gift in my life in many ways as a producer, as an actor [...] I'm very much looking forward to Avengers next year which is cooking up a storm."

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[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I rather enjoyed it, but I don’t know how any of the recent films are going to come together to create an engaging Avengers film. There really hasn’t been a good unifying story that they have been building to. They keep throwing in references to future movies at the end of each film/show, but they all just seem to be hype for new characters that most people have to go to a screen junkies article to get an explanation for.

I don’t feel like Kang has been properly built up, because he has appeared several times already, posed little actual threat, and even got defeated one time by Ant-Man, who is essentially comic-relief in any ensemble affair. There’s also the casting issue.

I have seen every MCU film in cinema, and have enjoyed them all in their own way, despite the visceral glee the internet has in tearing them apart. But I don’t feel any excitement in hearing about Avengers 5. Because I don’t know what it is.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Kang also effectively got defeated by Loki in a TV show too, where that instance of him should have been the strongest (as the one who conquered the multiverse and wove it into a single reality/sacred timeline).

To be fair, Kang essentially let himself be killed because he believes/d that he's an inevitability of reality so in some sense immortal. But he still also lost. He was just taunting in death.

But now that the multiverse is back and being held together by Loki, all there should be left Kang-wise are the ones that weren't powerful enough to conquer the whole multiverse, so how are they supposed to be as threatening?

And again, all of this content was only in a spinoff show rather than hinted at and weaved through the movies.

I have no idea who greenlit that idea, or where they go from here to make it feel impactful.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Kang imo had a great intro in Loki. Like you said he conquered the multiverse, but he was also the weakest version of himself. I think that weakness was the key. That should have kicked off multiple stories of Kang versions each being stronger than the last one, and then bam huge avengers level event with the most badass Kang.

How did they mess up something so simple?

[–] morphballganon 2 points 8 months ago

all there should be left Kang-wise are the ones that weren't powerful enough to conquer the whole multiverse, so how are they supposed to be as threatening?

Because Loki is busy now?